Dear Professor Blackstone,

My name is Leong Leyi and I am writing this letter to introduce myself to you. I graduated from

Nanyang Polytechnic with a diploma in electrical engineering with eco-design, specializing in green

and smart technologies. 

During my course of study, I developed a greater interest in the engineering field, especially in the

building infrastructure sector. I have always been captivated by how structures come to life from

paper and the process of designing and constructing them from scratch. Hence, I decided to

continue with engineering during university by pursuing a degree in civil engineering at Singapore

Institute of Technology.

When asked to present or express my opinion in class, I get nervous and stutter easily. I end up

blabbering and overuse filler words as a result, especially when in front of a crowd. This prevented

me from delivering a good speech to the audience as a communication weakness that I have is

struggling with communicating clearly. Being confident when conversing with strangers is a

communication strength that I posses. This is something that I have gained from my past work

experiences. With new people, it is like starting off with a clean slate and this allows me to be more

easygoing and fluent when a conversation strikes.

My ability to be adaptable is what I believe differentiates me from others. I am able to be flexible

and adjust to suit different situations accordingly. This benefits me in my personal life and in the

workplace. My goal to achieve at the end of this module is to be able to express my point of views

and ideas more clearly and with greater assurance. I also hope to be able to confidently make

presentations in front of a big crowd. 

Best regards,

Leong Leyi


  1. Dear Leyi, with your completion Diploma course in Electrical Engineering, I believe you will have more different thoughts and experience to share with us during the studying days and am so looking forward to have more interaction and communication with you. With this module's structure, I do believe we will having more time to brush up our public speech skill.

    1. Hi Wan Chung, thank you for your comment. I look forward to having more interaction with you too and brushing up on our public speaking skills together!

  2. Hello Leyi! Your content is well organised, is clear and concise! You have a good use of language, which made your letter easy to understand. In the second paragraph, you wrote "Hence, I decided tocontinue with engineering during university by pursuing a degree in civil engineering at Singapore Institute of Technology." Instead of using the word during, you can replace it with the word " in". Other than that, I am able to relate with what you have written when you shared about your weakness. I hope this module will help the both of us refine our skills in public speaking! Thank you for sharing and I look forward to your future posts!

    1. Hi Kiran, thank you for your comment. Will keep that in mind when I edit my letter. I look forward to refining our skills in public speaking together!

  3. Dear Leyi,

    Thank you for this informative and well-organized letter. It's very interesting for readers when you share your background in terms of the personal motivation for studying engineering and when you state that you enjoy "how structures come to life from paper and the process of designing and constructing them from scratch."

    It's also impressive when you review your own comm skills, though I must admit that I'm a bit surprised when you state that you enjoy conversing with strangers. I don't see that in class, certainly not so much when you speak to me. You mention that such a strength comes from your work experience. It might have been good in this letter to reference that job and how it helped you develop such a strength.

    In class it is clear that, as you state in the letter, speaking in public and presenting are areas that are difficult for you. We can and will work on these to your advantage during the module. I hope you take all the opprtunities given to do exactly that.

    I'm impressed by the person described in this letter. Please feel free in class to share your ideas more openly.

    I look forward to working with you further this term.

    Best wishes,


    1. Hi Professor Blackstone, thank you for your comment and I will keep that in mind when i edit my letter! I will work on improving to be more confident when I speak to you and in class during presentations.

  4. Hi Leyi, thank you for this informative letter. I think your letter is very concise and manage to cover every points needed in the requirements. I can see that youre nervous in front of people while presenting and I have the same weakness too but I believe we will be able to slowly improve in that aspect.
    From the third paragraph, “ This prevented me from delivering a good speech to the audience as a communication weakness that I have is struggling with communicating clearly.” , sounds a bit odd, maybe it could be rewritten as “ My weakness in communicating clearly has prevented
    me from delivering a good speech to the audience as a communication weakness.”
    Look forward to your future posts!

    1. Hi Chiu Pin, thank you for the comment. Will keep that in mind when I edit my letter. I look forward to improving with you to be less nervous when presenting!


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